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Presents a New Data-Centric AI Platform to Enhance the Value of Content Utilization with AI Technology

Twigfarm offers a data-centric platform called LETR WORKS. By leveraging ultra-large multimodal AI technology and user’s contentdata, the platformprovides an environment where content can be recreatedin various forms to generateadditional revenue. Utilizingthe platform allows for low-cost,high-efficiency content recreation, thereby maximizing the value throughthe production of more high-quality content than before.The future that Twigfarm envisionsis a world where diversecontent fosters empathyamong people of different languages and cultures.
*Sunho Baek, CEO of Twigfarm Co., Ltd. ⓒReporter Soyeon Park / Photo by Seongrae Park

Meeting Corporate Needs for AI Adoption with a Data-Centric AI Platform Optimized for Content Reproduction Workflow

While excellent AI services such as ChatGPT are emerging one afteranother, the adoption rate of AI services by leading domestic content companiesis still not very high. This is because, in actual workenvironments, AI results need to be correctedby humans, making itdifficult to reap practical benefits compared to the complex workflow. Additionally, the need to label and manage data for AI service adoption,coupled with a low understanding of AI services and data management, also acts as a factor slowing down the adoption speed of AI services.

Twigfarm has introduced ‘LETR WORKS’, a data-centric AI platform optimized for content reproduction workflow, to solve these issues. Theplatform allows userswho are not well-versed in AI to easily utilizeAI and manage data. Alongwith this, the company is focusing on enhancing the completeness and usabilityof reproduced content through collaborationwith internal and external experts.

LETR WORKS, which is being utilized in various content areas such as videos,webtoons, and web novels, is receiving love calls from severalcompanies that own their own content, including broadcasters and institutions.It is playing a role as a vanguard in promoting the charm of K-contentto the world. CEO Sunho Baek hinted that many corporateclients are turning to Twigfarmin the process of contemplating how to effectively apply AI services. This is to find ways to save costs and timethrough AI. The service is designed toeasily apply various generative AI services without a deep understanding of AI or data, resultingin high satisfaction.

“Operational departments within companies have both expectations and concerns about AI. There is a perception that if AI is not properly applied, it will only complicate the workflow rather than reduce working hours. LETRWORKS has met the demands of strategy teams seeking to systematically apply AI and data management, as well as the demandsof operational departments wantingmore efficient work performance.”

Twigfarm is expanding its business by focusing on companies and individuals concerned with contentmanagement and AI utilization. It provides various AI services, such as generating multilingual texts and offering RAG-based chatbots, targeting individuals or companies with video content, webtoon creators, and users managingmultilingual documents. Furthermore,it is developing various AI services, including multilingual voice, video search,and video shortscreation. CEO Baek explained that thecompany is expandingits customer networkby participating in exhibitionsandbriefings based on customer references accumulated so far.

“We have confirmed the competitiveness of Twigfarm and its services by building partnerships with various clients.Now, we aim to focus on growth based on the capabilities and references we have accumulated so far.”

 Knockingon the Door of the Global Market with a Data Intelligence Platform Recognizedin the Industry

Twigfarm which has been developing AI-based SaaS servicesfor the localization of digital content,has introduced solutions needed by the contentindustry with its unique natural language processing technology. CEOSunho Baek expressed his gratitude, stating that the company has reached its current position thanks to theefforts of mentors from various institutions, senior and junior entrepreneurs, and dedicated team members who work diligently with a love for the company. He explainedthatthey have grown by working with various companies to address notonlycustomer needs but also national issues necessary for AI researchand adoption.

Initially focusing on neuralmachine translation research and the development of a global collaborationplatform, Twigfarm shifted its focus to data construction projectsfrom the mid-term. They have built a massive corpus of scientific andtechnical terms(Korean-English translation) for AI learning and have been recognized for their superiorquality in naturallanguage processing, even surpassing Google. In recent years, they have concentrated on developing SaaS services utilizing generative AI, obtaining patentsfor related research achievements. Research using ultra-large language modelshas led to the creation of LETR WORKS, a data intelligence platformthat transforms content intovarious forms using generative AI services, beyond just localization services.

“After founding the company,we initially researched technology to create patent or legal-specific translation machines and built our growthfoundationalong with the trend of constructing learningdata. Recognized for our capabilities in AI data construction, AI research, and SaaS service development and operation, we are now making our voice heard as a data platform company.”

Another solution unveiled by Twigfarm, ‘heybunny’, is a user-customized domestic and international newsletter subscription platform. Over the pastthree years, a vast amount of user knowledge data has been accumulated in heybunny, and today, users receive dozens of newsletters on their areas of interest throughheybunny. They plan to launch an AI agent in the first half of next year to utilize the accumulated knowledgein heybunny more efficiently. The AI agent in heybunny will summarize and read subscribed newsletters, inform orread out analyzed results when needed, and enhance its function as a knowledge repository by adding an RSS feedfeature and enablingusers to sharenewly acquired knowledge, evolving into a ‘personal knowledge warehouse’ leading digital media.

Recently,Twigfarm has been making multifaceted efforts to generate revenue and grow into a global SaaS company based on their accumulatedcapabilities. Achievements such as establishing a branch in Singapore last year, signing content-related supply contracts,winning business orders, and receiving the Promising Patent Technology Award in Korea are part of this endeavor. Currently, theyare focusing on expanding into the Japanese and American markets.

Possessing a high level of understandingof artificial intelligence and a systematic qualitymanagement system for large-scale data construction From the perspective of technological change, document-centric contenttransitioned to web-basedcontent following the spread of the internet. People who used to enjoy reading comic books now indulge in webtoons.The mobile era led to a trend of contentconsumption centered around SNS, and today, variousforms of contentare created and consumed on personalized devices. Technology has paved a new path.

However, the core of the contentindustry lies with the creatorswho think, write,and produce stories. This fact remains unchanged despite dazzling technological innovations. CEO Sunho Baek emphasized that the role of technologistsis to help creator’s stories reach a wider audience. He explained that AI technology also plays a role insupporting the production and reproduction of content. AI services, which replace simple tasks whileinnovativelyimproving the environment for content production and global distribution, contribute to the overalldevelopment of the content industry. In the fiercely competitive AI research environment dominated by big tech, data-centric research is extremelyimportant. Accordingly, Twigfarm focuses on utilizing user data as tuning data to provide more customized AI services. Twigfarm’s LETR WORKS uses user data solely to improve user- customized AI services and strictly excludes using data for general userAI services. In November of last year, the company obtained international standard information securityISO certification.

While machines assist in the dataconstruction process, the final work isprimarily performed by humans. The process involves humans reviewing and correcting the results produced bymachines. However, without a systematic quality management system, it is difficult to ensure the uniformity and clarity of data quality, as results can vary depending on the worker’s knowledge, experience, and condition. As an AI researchcompany, Twigfarm has focused on proactivelyunderstanding research trends andbuilding data necessary for advanced research rather than passivelyconstructing data. Since 2021, the company has emphasizedthe need for multimodal data construction and has been building data forthis purpose. The AI that inspects the data born from large-scale data construction projects consistently provides the highestquality data by establishing processes and environments that manage workers.

Providing Solutions to Enhance the Value of ‘Good Content’ that ConnectsPeople

South Korea’scontent competitiveness is renowned as one of the best in the world. A historian once remarked that the strength of South Korea,which possesses the globally recognized historical document, the Annalsof the Joseon Dynasty, isnow evident in its current content industry. CEO Sunho Baek has also felt the power of content.During his time living inIsrael and Nepal, he observed people from different languages and cultures enjoying and empathizing withKorean content, fostering a love for Korea. “While working in Israel, Isaw many people challenging themselves to start businesses, which lowered the barriers to entrepreneurship for me. I came to think that it was somethingworth trying at least once inlife. The horizontalrelationships and debate culture were also impressive. I challenged myselfto start a business to create a company with sucha culture, but there are still many areas wherewe fall short.However, we are growinglittle by littleevery year, solidifying Twigfarm’s uniquesolutions and organizational culture.”

CEO Baek expressed his desire for Twigfarm to be a company that contributes to the process of good content connecting people. Additionally, he envisioneda company that provides opportunities for everyone. Hepainted a blueprintwhere anyone could enhance their capabilities within the company’ssystem and realize their own potential. Furthermore, heexpressed his hope for an era wherestories from not only Koreabut also other countriesare shared, enjoyed, and empathized with together. Hewished for Twigfarm and LETR WORKS tocontribute even a little to this process.

“I have not yet achieved a significant goal, nor am I an expert, but I am constantly contemplating what to do, how to do it, with whom to do it, and by when to do it, as I approach my goals. I will move forward with peoplewho will ponder these questionswith me. I am confidentthat if we remainfaithful to the tasks at hand and the peoplearound us, more wonderfulthings than we imagined will unfold.”

Twigfarm will continue to nurture technology and talent as it advances towards the global market. CEO Baek added that he hopes Twigfarm’sservices will be recognized as useful and that the fruits of their labor willbe sufficiently shared with everyonewho has worked hard together. The Korean content,as well as global content,whose value has been enhanced through Twigfarm’ssolutions, will touch the hearts of more people. Twigfarm, which connects all content in the world through AI, iscreating a foundation for global growth.

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