Press Release

K-Webtoons targeting the global market have gained wings through AI translation


"Feels like I've eaten 100 sweet potatoes!" This expression from a webtoon character, commonly used in everyday Korean conversation, requires careful localization for Western audiences to convey the frustration or annoyance effectively. Direct translation might not resonate smoothly in North America or Europe.

Moreover, in addition to finding a suitable expression to convey the feeling of frustration rather than annoyance, it is necessary to delete the image if sweet potatoes are drawn in the background next to the character who speaks this line, filling the speech balloon with the appropriate font.

브레인벤쳐스의 인식 기술을 적용한 웹툰 텍스트 인식 작업 예시. 사진=브레인벤쳐스 제공
Example of webtoon text recognition using Brain Ventures' recognition technology. (Photo: Provided by Brain Ventures)

As the global simultaneous launch or sequential entry into international markets becomes a standard in the industry, the importance of webtoon localization to satisfy global readers is increasing. Recently, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the field of webtoon localization and translation is gaining momentum. However, we are not yet at the stage where the entire process is entrusted to AI. AI performs the initial tasks, which are then reviewed and refined by human operators. Domestic startups are expanding related services, and this approach is considered advantageous for quality control, including minimizing translation omissions.

#How AI is Integrated into Localization Beyond Simple Translation

"Webtoons often feature lifestyle-oriented stories and are sensitive to trends, so there are many factors to consider. In terms of quantity, the translation costs are similar to other fields, but additional processes like lettering (inserting text into comics) and design are all done manually. This all costs money."

Due to the complexity of the work, webtoon translation is generally expensive. A production company representative said, “There are many specialized firms that handle large-scale projects, but while demand has increased due to overseas exports, the workforce remains limited, leading to high market prices.”

This is where AI translation, known for its speed and reasonable cost, comes in. Kim Won-hoi, CEO of AI-based translation service startup Brain Ventures, explained, “Webtoon text mainly consists of short phrases, making it difficult to form context. It's challenging to detect and classify onomatopoeia and mimetic words embedded in the background. Although the amount of text in webtoons is relatively small, the translation process is quite demanding. The traditional manual approach, which requires a relatively large number of workers, has limitations in terms of the volume and speed at which works can be processed.”

While the level of AI technology and its application varies between companies, the localization process, which is divided into three stages—extraction, translation, and lettering—is being integrated with different specialized AI programs and followed by professional translator revisions. Designers also get involved in ensuring the final product maintains consistency with the original work. Support programs for translators have also emerged. For instance, the startup Twig Farm recently added a webtoon translation feature to its content localization service 'LETR Works'. This service allows users to upload webtoon images, receive initial translation outputs, and then make necessary adjustments.

트위그팜 레터웍스에서 제공하는 웹툰 번역 서비스 예시 화면. 사진=트위그팜 제공
Example screen of the webtoon translation service provided by Twig Farm's LETR Works. (Photo: Provided by Twig Farm)

#Discussion Needed: How Far Can We Trust AI Translation?

The industry believes that achieving a level where final results can be obtained automatically without human intervention is still a distant goal. Accuracy remains a challenge that must be addressed. A representative from an AI translation company stated, “With current technology, there are still parts that cannot be extracted from images, and there are significant issues to resolve in translation and lettering processes. In the medium to long term, AI technology must be leveraged to improve efficiency so that Korean webtoons can meet the demand of the overseas market. More proactive research and development are necessary.”

There is also a need for societal consensus on how far AI translation can be accepted. Last year, a controversy arose surrounding the scope of AI translation when it was revealed that a Japanese housewife in her 40s had won the Newcomer Award in the webtoon category of the Korean Literature Translation Award. The winner, who was not fluent in Korean, was suspected of using Naver’s translation tool ‘Papago’ for initial translation. The awardee explained that she used the tool as a reference to ensure more accurate translations after thoroughly reading the work. Following this incident, the Korean Literature Translation Institute initiated policy discussions on the extent of collaboration with AI. They added a requirement in the subsequent Newcomer Award submission guidelines stating that machine-assisted translations were not permitted. This move reflects the belief that AI translation should be excluded in evaluations that test the qualifications and capabilities of translators.

지난해 태국 방콕에서 열린 K박람회에 마련된 웹툰 부스. 사진=연합뉴스
Webtoon booth at the K-Fair held in Bangkok, Thailand, last year. (Photo: Yonhap News)

The webtoon industry has reached its peak in the domestic market and is perceived to have encountered limitations in its business model. Consequently, there is a dedicated effort towards achieving high localization standards, which are crucial for success in different cultural contexts. Major platforms focusing on international markets are resolute in investing in translation, although they maintain a somewhat conservative attitude towards AI translation.

Naver, in addition to domestic companies, utilizes local firms or freelancers with whom they have long-standing collaborations for specialized outsourcing. A Naver Webtoon official stated, "We cover the costs involved in translation," and added, "For variations in cover designs across different language regions, our internal design team takes charge. We handle global launches and marketing internally so that authors can focus solely on serialization." Kakao, through its subsidiary KiwiBlind, internalizes translation tasks with a focus on specialized professionals. Acquired by Kakao Entertainment in October 2021, KiwiBlind manages localization tasks for webtoons and web novels. A Kakao Webtoon official mentioned, "AI translation raises concerns related to copyright and ethics that lack clear societal consensus. This is an area requiring future discussion."

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