Press Release

Prime Minister Han Deok-soo visited 'Nextrise', Korea's largest startup expo. [TF Photo Gallery]

한덕수 국무총리(가운데)가 13일 서울 강남구 삼성동 코엑스에서 열린 넥스트라이즈(NextRise) 2024 서울에 참석해 참가 부스를 둘러보고 있다. /이새롬 기자
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo (center) attends 'NextRise 2024 Seoul', held at COEX in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, on the 13th, and visits the exhibition booths.

한덕수 국무총리가 한 부스에 설치된 캠핑카를 살펴보고 있다.
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo is inspecting a camper van installed at one of the booths.

[By Lee Saerom, The Fact] On the 13th, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo attended and toured the booths at 'NextRise 2024 Seoul', held at COEX in Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

NextRise, the largest startup exhibition in Korea, jointly organized annually since 2019 by the Korea Trade Association and KDB Industrial Bank, features over 500 domestic and international startups along with global companies participating in exhibitions, business meetings, and various programs. The event is held at COEX until the 14th.

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